24TH JANUARY 2018 - PVG Disclosures - Going Digital
Over the next few months, Disclosure Scotland will be increasing the number and types of applications that can be made online. This will not be done in a big bang approach; PVG Disclosure will be testing their digital service with a small number of customers with the aim of rolling this out to everyone in 2018.
One of the main reasons for this is that the public expects to access services quickly and conveniently at times and in ways that suit them, and by introducing this service, it is hoped that this is one way in which applications can be dealt with in more efficiently and effectively for the public.
PVG Disclosure Scotland will be assessing over the next few months how to produce digital certificates but, in the meantime, paper certificates will continue to be printed and posted.
All online applications will be accessible from the PVG Disclosure website. There is no specific launch date currently from PVG Disclosure as to the exact start date of online applications, but they will be forwarding out regular updates by email and social media to provide anticipated release dates, giving as much notice as possible
In the meantime, everyone is encouraged to continue to use the paper application system as normal. If you would like to contact PVG Disclosure regarding the online application service, please email them on [email protected]
23rd JANUARY 2018
The SSSC has produced a tool-kit to assist Employers and Employees when recruiting staff within the Social Care sector within Scotland. The tool-kit is called "Right people, right values". Many Social Service Employers find recruiting and retaining workers with strong social care values a challenge. Part of the Scottish Government's recent consultation for 'Social Services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy 2015-2020 (Scottish Government 2015) confirmed this. The tool-kit has been a product of the findings from their consultation. It has been produced to assist Employers to 'more strongly incorporate values-based recruitment approaches'.
The tool-kit has also been produced with the assistance of Employers and has included many suggestions. There are resources for Employers and Employees and helps everyone to understand what social care values are, and to explain the expectations Employers are to have for potential workers within the sector.
Many of the resources have been adapted from ones developed by Skills for Care in England, and include the Common Core of skills, knowledge and values.
Healthcare Plus Recruitment will be adopting this tool-kit in our daily practice of recruiting and retaining Social care workers within our organisation, in order to continuously deliver high quality, effective carers within Scotland for our clients and their residents.
If you would like further information on this tool-kit, please visit the SSSC website - www.sssc.uk.com
Over the next few months, Disclosure Scotland will be increasing the number and types of applications that can be made online. This will not be done in a big bang approach; PVG Disclosure will be testing their digital service with a small number of customers with the aim of rolling this out to everyone in 2018.
One of the main reasons for this is that the public expects to access services quickly and conveniently at times and in ways that suit them, and by introducing this service, it is hoped that this is one way in which applications can be dealt with in more efficiently and effectively for the public.
PVG Disclosure Scotland will be assessing over the next few months how to produce digital certificates but, in the meantime, paper certificates will continue to be printed and posted.
All online applications will be accessible from the PVG Disclosure website. There is no specific launch date currently from PVG Disclosure as to the exact start date of online applications, but they will be forwarding out regular updates by email and social media to provide anticipated release dates, giving as much notice as possible
In the meantime, everyone is encouraged to continue to use the paper application system as normal. If you would like to contact PVG Disclosure regarding the online application service, please email them on [email protected]
23rd JANUARY 2018
The SSSC has produced a tool-kit to assist Employers and Employees when recruiting staff within the Social Care sector within Scotland. The tool-kit is called "Right people, right values". Many Social Service Employers find recruiting and retaining workers with strong social care values a challenge. Part of the Scottish Government's recent consultation for 'Social Services in Scotland: a shared vision and strategy 2015-2020 (Scottish Government 2015) confirmed this. The tool-kit has been a product of the findings from their consultation. It has been produced to assist Employers to 'more strongly incorporate values-based recruitment approaches'.
The tool-kit has also been produced with the assistance of Employers and has included many suggestions. There are resources for Employers and Employees and helps everyone to understand what social care values are, and to explain the expectations Employers are to have for potential workers within the sector.
Many of the resources have been adapted from ones developed by Skills for Care in England, and include the Common Core of skills, knowledge and values.
Healthcare Plus Recruitment will be adopting this tool-kit in our daily practice of recruiting and retaining Social care workers within our organisation, in order to continuously deliver high quality, effective carers within Scotland for our clients and their residents.
If you would like further information on this tool-kit, please visit the SSSC website - www.sssc.uk.com